Thursday, October 8, 2009

Shooting, Lake Lanier

Just got back from the shooting range. I was using a deer shaped target to make sure I was hitting it in the kill zone. It was about 50yards away. Every shot except my first one hit the heart or a major artery. That kinda sucks because the first one is the one that counts. Oh well, I'm pretty sure all the shots would have killed a deer. I made the first few shots using a bench rest, then sitting down without the rest, then did 2 shots standing up with no rest.

On the way back I stopped to take a picture of this mantis in Sugar Hill, GA:

After that I stopped at McDonalds and had some lunch at Lake Lanier. The lake is looking pretty good. I want to come up here sometime next week to do some kayaking and fishing.

Now I'm going to do some yard work and then probably go out and find a beer or 2.

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